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DNB CET | AIIMS | BHU PMT | NEET UG | NEET PG| Exam Preparation 2023-24
We (Doctors' Quiz) provide Thousands of FREE Multiple choice questions related to DNB CET , AIIMS , BHU PMT , NEET UG , NEET PG, UPSC-CMS (Combined Medical Services) and various PG(POST GRADUATE) MD/MS medical examinations of India. Our online state of art mock test series gives a real feel of the present CBT (COMPUTER BASED TEST) scenario like attempting questions in specified time and visual basic questions for- DNB-CET, AIPGMEE, FMGE, DNB-PDCET, UPSC-CMS and more. All our FREE & PAID mock with subject wise test are specially designed for each and every exam that includes present question pattern and time limitations.
DNB CET , AIIMS , BHU PMT , NEET UG , NEET PG, UPSC-CMS (Combined Medical Services) .
These are ‘multiple choice’ type exam questions. which you might also hear referred to as ‘best of FOUR’ or ‘one from FOUR’. For each question you must choose only one of the options. You may feel that there are several possible answers, but you must choose the best one from the option list. If you enter more than one answer on the answer sheet you will gain no mark for the question even though you may have given the right answer along with one or more wrong ones.
Digital Medical resources for medical students is equipped with new pattern computer based test. All test and mocks are designed and developed by our team of professionals having experience in creating tests based upon various Indian and foreign medical examinations.
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Yes. All our subject wise test, mock test, result and explanations are always accessible 24x7.
How your Tests are conducted?
All tests are Computer Based Test (CBT) to give a real feel of present scenario of Medical Examination.
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Click buy button next to the test/mock you want to purchase follow the on screen instructions and you are done! A short video link is also provided in our site that gives you step buy step buying guide for better buying experience.
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You can pay via any banks Internet banking, credit card, debit card and master card. We do not store any details related to that. Our site is fully equipped with countries leading payment gateway. Buying test from us is always a click away from you.