Most common points in Obstetrics and gynaecology 2015

Most common points in Obstetrics and gynaecology 2015


  • The gold standard for endometriosis -laproscopy
  • The indication for hysteroscopy – bleeding
  • The Post pill amenorrhea = suppression of hypothalamus
  • External feature of turner = webbed neck
  • The Menorhagia, normal uterus, normal ovargy = DUB
  • You chose laproscopy for infertile women = endometrisis is visible
  • The first stage of puberty = growth spurt
  • The commen presnt of benign ovarian tumour = asymptomatic
  • gold stanadard of ectopic = laproscopy
  • The women underwent evacuatin  of mole, important of histo report = take aporopiate action
  • Fetal blood = reticulocyte more
  • Chorionic villous sampling = done after 10 week
  • The Uterine involution = return of uterus to its normal size of 100 gm
  • The Embryonic period = 4-10 weeks
  • Bishop score less than 5 = vaginal pessaries
  • 2 breeh vaginal hx, now again breech = bicornvate uterus
  • Oogenesis =diploid cell produce haploid by meiosis
  • Polyhydraminons =  occur in uncontrolled diabetes
  • Android pelvis = deep transverse arrest
  • Gravid = all preg including current
  • Reassuring sign in labour = head engaged
  • The Best assessment of age at 12 week = CRL
  • The Best assesemnt at 12-20 week = BPD, HC, FL
  • Identification of choronicity = monochorionic has inc mortality
  • Nucal transluancy seen on USG = 11-13 week
  • The Early preg loss in endometriosis = luteal phase def
  • Coitus interuptus = timming
  • The Contra of IUCD = malformation of uterus
  • Contra of IUCD = active pid
  • Minilap = reversible sterilization
  • Treatment of endometriosis = ocp given without break
  • The Epithelial ovarian tumour = peak incidence 50-70
  • Ovarian cyst = torsion
  • The Colposcopy = cervix
  • The Urine tract endometriosis = cyclical hematuria and dysuria
  • The Vulval cancer in form of nodule = radiacal vulvectomy
  • Labor, delivery and childbirth
    Labor is the process by which contractions of the uterus cause birth.  Many women, especially with their first babies, think they are in labor when they’re not.  Common questions include, “What happens during labor?  What do contractions feel like?  And how do I know that labor has begun?”  We’ll review each of these questions and provide you with the answers you need.  Understanding the typical signs of labor can help you know what to expect as your due date approaches.

    First, it is important to know that every labor is different. The duration and progression of labor differs from woman to woman and from birth to birth. There are, however, general guidelines for labor that a doctor uses to decide whether the delivery is normal, or not. And the basic process is the same. Labor occurs in three stages which are:

    1. Dilation and effacement

    2. Baby delivery

    3. Placenta delivery

    During stage 1, or dilation and effacement,  the cervix thins out and opens to allow the fetus to move from the uterus into the vagina. This stage usually lasts several hours. By the end of the first stage, the cervix will have fully dilated from 0-3 cm to around 10 cm. When the cervix is 3 to 4 cm dilated, active labor begins. Contractions become more intense and more frequent, and the cervix dilates faster. First time mothers usually progress faster through this stage.

    During stage 2, or the baby delivery, the mother pushes while the muscles of the uterus contract to move the fetus through the birth canal.  The second stage of labor may last 2 or 3 hours, depending the position of the baby’s head, the size of the baby and the size of the birth canal.  This stage ends when the baby is born.

    During stage 3, or placenta delivery, the afterbirth comes out of the uterus through the birth canal. This usually happens within 30 minutes after the birth of the baby.


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